The California State Oriental Medical Association (CSOMA) hosted a highly-energized, 2-day, 140-person conference in May in Oakland, CA, called “The Acupuncture Solution to Pain Management & the Opioid Epidemic.” Conference participants enjoyed a comprehensive offering of continuing education classes, industry updates, vendor exhibitions, prize raffles, lunches and networking.
Speakers and topics discussed:
Dr. Amy Matecki, founder of the Integrative Medicine Department at Highland Hospital, presented the keynote address on the “Future of Integrative Medicine.”
Dr. Eugene London, Board Commissioner of NCCAOM, spoke about national certification and economic development.
Dr. Michael Corradino, International teacher, delivered a full day on Neuropuncture, the neurobiology of pain and the neurophysiology of acupuncture.
Dr. Neil Gumenick, founder of the Institute of Classical Five-Element Acupuncture, taught methods to address the physical, mental and spiritual levels of pain.
Dr. Anthony Von der Muhll provided a comprehensive look at working in integrative pain management practices, from medical documentation to specific needling techniques.
Dr. Barbara Martello delivered methods for pain treatment from the perspective of Japanese Meridian Therapy.
Ben Zappin, Master Herbalist and founder of Five Flavors Herbs, and Andrew Ellis, Master Herbalist and founder of Spring Wind Herbs, explored pharmacological approaches to pain management.
Michael Anderson of MIEC discussed regulatory changes in professional liability with regards to pain treatment.
About CSOMA and What’s New:
CSOMA has been representing the acupuncture profession for over 30 years through legislative initiatives, policy guidance, social events, inter-professional networking and continuing education. In 2017, CSOMA enjoyed a change of leadership with a new focus placed on integrative acupuncture medicine and economic development for the profession.
The CSOMA Board of Directors has never been stronger or more diverse than it is today with 10 industry leaders from around the state that includes a medical doctor (MD), a naturopathic doctor (ND), and a chiropractor (DC) with dual degrees in acupuncture.
CSOMA’s well-established bylaws guide responsible governance while our active committees drive forward momentum. CSOMA committees are open to anyone and everyone, meet weekly, and include: Public Policy, Events/Education, Futures, Publications, Herbal Medicine, Student. CSOMA also serves as California’s only representative organization to the American Society of Acupuncturists (ASA). CSOMA also publishes one of the few acupuncture medical journals (renamed the Journal of Acupuncture & Integrative Medicine, formerly called the California Journal of Oriental Medicine).
A few current initiatives include: lobbying Sacramento legislators for CA’s adoption of the NCCAOM exam, hosting an event in Southern California, offering affordable CE classes online at CSOMA University, and working closely with the ASA to gain access into national health models including Veteran’s care/Tricare, Medicaid and Medicare.
We want you to GET INVOLVED!
Visit the new and improved for more information.
Please contact CSOMA president Tiffany Tuftee ( or CSOMA Executive Director Ra Adcock ( with any questions.
We hope to see you next time! Stay tuned for more CSOMA Events!